Stokes & Company

Antiques for a Modern Living

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Fainting from the Heat.....

It’s hot out there ! Nothing like taking a nap in the cool air on this fainting sofa! It is just a fabulous piece and comfy too.

a little eye candy for you......

Have a Happy Father's Day weekend!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I have been tagged !!!!

I have been tagged by

I have never been tagged before so this is new to me. I been told this is how it works.....

1. Link back to the person that tagged you(see link above)
2. Post rules on your blog
3. Share 6 unimportant things about yourself.
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your entry. ( I will tag 3 )

Here are 6 unimportant things about myself:

1. I like going to open houses just to see how they are decorated
2. I love to rearrange my furniture at home often
3. I love hummingbirds outside my window and look forward to their return every year
4. I miss seeing fireflies at night
5. I am named after a flower
6. My business started as a hobby

The 3 people I would love to tag are...

Brandy @
Theresa @
Debi @ Ya Ya Chique

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Wonderful Garden Items

We have just brought in some wonderful urns and statuary. It's always nice to add these to your outdoor rooms.